25 September 2009

'by the will of God'

Eph 1:1

"Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God,"

I'm going through Ephesians currently, but the first night I started on it again, I spent close to thirty minutes just on verse one. It is such a rich truth. Even in the past few weeks God reminds me of this verse and I find such a freedom in it! Some of you already know where I am going. This isn't new revelation...but it is fresh to me and invigorating to my soul.

The Obvious. No one but God makes me who I am. Events involving man may have catapulted you to the position you are in, but if God holds the hearts of Kings you best believe he holds the heart of your immediate authorities. I start off with this because i don't want this to be taken just for ministers. There is really no line between clergy an laity...just insecure pastors with co dependant believers making that lie. So you could say this:

" -your name-, an apostle, doctor, teacher, soldier, clerk, student, usher, whatever, by the WILL of GOD!"

If you are faithful and in God's will then then your position is also in God's will! That sets me free. If i am faithful where God has set me, then I can rest assured that if God put me here there is no way man is going to kick me out! That's why you see David dancing his clothes off when the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to the city. (2 Sam 6:22) What did he say? He said, 'I'll become even more undignified than this!" Why was he able to say that? It's because he wasn't dancing in a field, playing a harp, and watching sheep for man. He was doing it for God. He was 'David, King of God's people by the will of God!' That is so fresh in me. I can say to my enemies 'I'm not worried about you demoting me or being put over me, because you didn't put me where I'm already at! My God did that! And if I'm faithful in this little thing he has PROMISED to make me ruler over a big thing!'

On the flip side of this, if man got you where you are, then you have every reason to be afraid for your position. That is why when we see after God has rejected Saul as king, that he (Saul) still asked Samuel to go out with him in front of the people. You see, although God gave Saul the first kingship, he would have never been king if the people hadn't started asking for a king. People got Saul where he was at! So he needed to look good in front of them, even after God had rejected him. I'm afraid we have too many people looking good in front of the people who God has rejected as far as His Kingdom being established is concerned.

Although I said at the beginning I don't want this to be taken just for those in ministry, because we are ALL ministers, I do want to address those in full time ministry. And I want those that are under them to realize what they have!

Some of you are wondering why you are in ministry. Quite honestly some ministers are in the wrong 'line of work.' I've observed in my four years of Christianity that if you find someone who is intelligent and has an oratory ability, you shove them into ministry! Has anyone else noticed that? I was in prayer a few months ago and God spoke to me that abortion would have never passed if those he had called to be supreme court justices weren't trying to pastor a church! Media would not be where it is at, and culture would not be how it is if those I had called to work in the entertainment industry weren't trying to be evangelists! How sobering? But I'm not really talking to those of you that are called to something else other than ministry and trying to fit into a ministry box so to speak...if you got angry at that last statement, probably means you fall into that category. Just saying...

For ministers I want to point you to Eph 3:7, 'of this Gospel I was made a minister.' I defy any Greek grammarian to find a logical pattern of thought in the verses leading up to this conclusion. It's almost as if Paul is trying to logically explain why he is doing what he is doing and finally goes all the way back to the same idea in the first verse of the epistle. Of this Gospel I was MADE a minister.' I can't explain it. There is no logical reason. I didn't choose. I was made! I didn't choose to be an apostle to my generation. I'm am being made into one! Many of you didn't choose to be evangelist, prophets, what have you...there was something in you that made God say 'I'm going to make that man a prophet to America!' What freedom I find in that truth!

Another thing that brings freedom to ministers, and congregations need to grab hold of this, is that you are absolutely not in an office, you are a gift.

Eph. 4:7 'and when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men.'

-what gifts? Follow down to verse 11 and it tells you.

Eph. 4:11-12 'and He (Jesus) gave some to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the Body of Christ'

You absolutely are not in an office. What you are is a gift to the body, so that it can be equipped to minister. You know what that means? It basically means that although we preach the gospel, it is ultimately not your job to preach the Gospel, it's your job that the Gospel gets preached through equipping those God has put under you.

You know what else this means to me, especially concerning clergy politics? I am starting to feel that it is against God's design to vote on a pastor and that be it. I wish I could say that every church prays and intercedes and asks God for the pastor that they need, and then God answers them with that gift. But what usually happens is that position is voted on by the church after the minimum amount of prayer and they stick a guy in there that will 'Dr. Phil' them for an hour and have them in the buffet line by 12. When if they had been seeking and praying about what pastor God wanted for them to have, they would have a pastor that would get them to a deeper more meaningful relationship in God, putting a sword in their hands, equipping them to minister...not a cookie cutter, seeker sensitive heresy, your best life now cheerleader. I praise God that I haven't had to sit under such ministry as this, that holds their congregants hands while they walk them to hell. ...I'm really digressing. :)

The fact of the matter is, if you are operating in this capacity, you are 'an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher by the very will of God!' You were chosen for this! Of this Gospel you've been MADE and minister! Not only that, but you are an incredible gift, not your giftings, but you yourself are a gift, to those whom are in your ministerial charge!

If this isn't helping you it's sure helping me. I hope this helps bring a greater degree of freedom to you. It has for me. Man didn't get me here, and he sure won't be getting me out! Amen!

In Him,

Andrew Peters
Remnant Ministries

11 July 2009

'Babylon Has Fallen'

I recieved this from the Lord during the Deluge Prayer Furnance on Monday night. This prophecy was building on other words that had been spoken throughout the gathering. Note that any words in parentheses are my own, added for clarification.

I see Babylong falling as a tall building, falling onto itself. Starting at the top in the heavens, in the spiritual realm, taking time to see the toppling manifest in the physical. Baal's infrastructure is crumbling!

The strong man that is the Spirit of Baal is being bound so the the house that is America's harvest can be taken. Take heart in the hopeless, the prodigal, the prostitute, the wayward, the religious. Jeremiah 51:44 'And I will punish Baal in Babylon and cause him to spit up that which he has swallowed!'

Because of this the blinders set in place bill be lifted as the strongman's infuence dies. His influence on our minds, influence even on us! It dies!

But my children, also called by soldiers, it i not only my work, but a partnership with you, a combining of arms. I say to you, every true prophecy is a sword against the enemy's camp. Every intercessor a mighty warrior. Every prayer a blow against the Babylonian spirit of Baal.

Conversely every prophecy a light into the sinner's life. Every intercessor a bridge to the Father. Every prayer a cry for the Harvest!

----That is the Word of the Lord right now! Now let me shed some light on a few areas that some might need clarified.----

If you'll recall the morning of 9/11 with me, think about how long it took for the building to actually collapse on itself. It was struck at the top a very long time before it actually fell. God is telling me that the same thing has happened to the spirit of Baal, the prinicipality that I believe God has shown me and others through prayer is the strong man over America. He is already falling in the Spiritual, at the top, but it will take time and intercession and warring in the Spirit to see the fruit of our prayer made manifest in the physical realm.

I'm going to give you a series of short parallels to show why I believe Baal is the strongman over America.

1. The chief way in which the temple of Baal was paid for in the Old Testament was through homosexual prostitution. Baal is a spirit of perversion and lust. That same mentality, not only of homosexuality, but also lust and all manner of sexual perversion is rampant in our country today. One of Baal's meanings is the god of covenant or marriage. And what big issue is being pushed today? Homosexual marriage.

2. Think back to Mt. Caramel in Elijah's showdown with the prophets of Baal. After hours of shouting to Baal, and praying to him, in a last ditch effort to get Baal to move on their behalf, the prophets of Baal began to cut themselves and mutilate themselves to get Baal to move. Our generation has cried out for something to happen, and in desperation many have turned to the phenomonon of cutting to 'relieve' the pain and anger. They have been crying out to Baal, not Jesus, and Baal has remained silent.

3. In the temple of Baal human sacrifices were offered to Molech, a spirit that is just under Baal in Satan's hierarchy. They would heat up the hands of the idol of Molech and place babies on the hands, burning them up as a sacrifice. The same thing exist today, except we offer babies to Baal on the altar of abortion!

There are quite a few more parallels, but I think these three will suffice for now.

Mark 3:27 says, 'no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man.'

How can you bind the strong man in the Spirit unless God shows you who that strong man is? You cannot! God, through discernemt, has shown that Baal is the strong man over America. Now what are you going to do with that information? You are going to bind the strongman, the spirit of Baal, because 'whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.' And once it is bound in Heaven, in the spiritual realm, it will be bound on earth as well.

That is because Jesus prayed your Kingdom come, your dominion come, on Earth as it is in Heaven. In short, if we bind him here, God binds him in the Spirit, then extends that authority and dominion into the Physical realm.

Once he has been fully bound we can take the possessions, and that great possession is the harvest that, up until now, has been blinded by the devices of the enemy!

Join with me in binding this spirit and seeing the Harvest released to come into the Kingdom! Be Blessed.

In Him,

Andrew Peters

02 July 2009

God Says, "Declare in Faith and Watch Victory Unfold."

I got this from the Lord last night in the Boiler Room at Trinity. A heavy Spirit of Prophecy was present last night.

Any commentary I add will be in parentheses so pay attention to the additions.

God says to the Mighty Ones stand in screaming silence. Stand in boldness and boldness alone. For persecution is coming the Remnant, persecution to my mighty sons and daughters is beginning. As a lamb before the slaughter is silent so was I in my Father's will that all righteousness might be fulfilled. And silent also shall you be in the face of persecution so that no blame rest on your head. Make no effort to defend for I will defend. I fight for my mighty ones! I am your Banner!
My thoughts are higher and though it seem that your enemies have surrounded, though even the faithful abandon My camp, though you seem defeated now, your defense is made sure in eternity's eyes.
The battle is not yours! It belongs to Me says the Lord! And be confident in your Banner, be loyal to your King, for Victory has always belonged to me and will be made manifest through my sons and my daughters, my mighty ones.
Declare in Faith and watch Victory Unfold!

------I wrote this next section down about five minutes later-----

God says that the actions of America have almost filled the cup of iniquity. Our transgressions as a nation have grieved the heart of God and certain spiritual protections (no idea what those protections are) have been lifted as a result. Already darkness that has been in Africa is moving in, evil is very opportunistic right now. But in this time of greater darkness a brighter light has been released. I have commissioned Breakthrough to rest in America, Power Evangelism to pour out through my Bold Vessels. (I feel like Breakthrough and Power Evangelism are the names of two angels, God didn't tell that to me specifically but I felt it in my spirit when I got it that they were angels). The scepter is now and the sickle is in reach. For you, my precious Remnant, truth is on your heads as oil for America to see, and in your hearts for you to see.


I understand this might not all make sense to you, because it isn't clear to me. But God is opening up wells of revelation for those that have an ear to hear. And this is what I'm hearing, and still praying that more understanding comes. Be Blessed!

In Him,
Andrew Peters

the Sword, the Scepter, and the Sickle

This note is concerning a Word I received from the Lord a few weeks ago and have been praying over since.

I believe that in the coming years I will be raised up to operate on a national level. If you are faithful over a little thing, God will make you ruler over a big thing. As such, I get a word every now and again that I believe applies not only to a local area, but to us as a nation. This is one of those Words.

God says to me 'the Sword, the Scepter, and the Sickle.' I have been hearing this over in my spirit for a few weeks now, and have been seeking God on what it means. I believe this applies very immediately to my home church, Cross Connection, and to Trinity Church, which is the body God has placed Nikki and myself in here in Texas. As I said though, this is a National word, so take it and trumpet it wherever you have been planted!

God says a Sword of the Spirit was released sixteen years ago into the Earth. This sword is the Rhema word of God that has been wielded skillfully by His soldiers these sixteen years. I asked why 16 years, and God has brought to my memory that the gift of the Prophet began to be restored to the Body 16 years ago. I have Pastor Russell in Auburn to thank for the word concerning the Prophet being restored at this time. God is raising up a Generation and it is my job as a prophet of God to use this sword, not only to wield for the Kingdom myself, but to put the sword in the hands of as many people as I can to fight along beside me! The beginning of the Sword brought a new view of the Scepter.

The Scepter is the Authority of God! When you use the sword you are not fighting on your own behalf. You are fighting with the delegated authority of God. The Sword as the Rhema Word has begun to open our eyes to the authority we've been entrusted with, and effectively released us to begin walking in that authority. Are you walking in it? Authority is no good unless it is used, and used correctly! The dead will never be raised if you don't exercise authority and say 'Get up in the name of Jesus!' The crippled from birth will never be made whole if you don't say 'silver and gold have I none, but what I do have I give unto you, rise and walk.'
There is a world of difference between belief and persuasion. How persuaded are you that you can lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I can read this till I believe it, but am I persuaded in my spirit to the point that I put it into operation!? Belief operates on logic, persuasion operates in faith. I am persuaded that God is bringing to light a new depth of authority and I see a Scepter of the Lord being lowered into America! The Scepter, when used, produces miracles. Damon Thompson's word for 2009 was that 'miracles are God's response to the release of the anointing.' I'm persuaded of this! This Scepter unleashes a sickle into the Earth.

I am persuaded yet again that we are on the verge of the Third Great Awakening! God says to me that 'His word will not return unto Him void, that it will accomplish what he sent it to do!' But He also showed me that though it will none the less be accomplished, the timing in which it is accomplished is contingent upon us. Harvest will happen! But we can decide it will happen now! I see that we are on the verge of one of the greatest harvest times in the history of the world. Never has the Body been more strategically placed to reap a harvest of souls than right now! So we cry out, unleash a your sickle God, let the reaper overtake the sower!

The Sword has been released, the Scepter is being released, and the Sickle is on the verge.

The Sword of the Word, the Scepter of His Authority, and the Sickle of a Great Awakening.

In Him,

Andrew Peters

11 December 2008

'What I have I give unto you'

Please take the time to read this word in its entirety.

I do hope this isn’t a bit premature, but I feel as though I will explode without releasing it. To some, this may be common sense, to others, as it was to me, complete revelation.

I have been praying and fasting for certain spiritual gifts. I would list them all but I almost feel greedy in doing so. And in light of that, God has showed me to a certain extent that I have been. Not in deed but in motive, in the heart. Here is the beginning.

No where in scripture do I see where Jesus handed someone a church tract and they got saved. Jesus never brought a person into the kingdom without some spiritual gift being present. Jesus operated in the same promise he gave to us. Signs and Wonders follow the followers. In speaking to the woman at the well Jesus didn’t say my church is awesome, you should come this Sunday and get saved. We have x-box if you have some kids, we have eight departments and ten classes and the nursery opens twenty minutes before the service.

He said ‘you have well said you have no husband,’ you have had five and your shacked up with the sixth one right now. Then she said ‘I perceive you are a prophet.’ He didn’t give her a revelation of the church, he operated through the spirit and the gift of the word of knowledge and gave her revelation about who he was by telling her who she was. And with a conversation he turned an adulterer into an evangelist.

I see this repeated throughout the scripture. Oh how I want that anointing. To be able to say through the spirit to someone things that are only known to them in the shadows of their life. Just someone on the streets of Dallas. To be able to walk up to a woman in a wheelchair and say ‘what I have I give unto you’ and take her arm as she stands and begins to run down the aisles at Wal-mart.

So I set my face as flint and began to seek this power, this gifting. And as I did the Lord began to show me the darkness in my own heart of hearts, and my lack of genuine compassion for the lost and the hurting and the sick and the dying. He revealed to me the corruption of what seemed to be a genuine cry. I desperately want these giftings, I desperately wanted to see people healed, saved, and delivered! But to what end? To God’s end, or the furtherance of my ministry? To mine and God’s exaltation, or solely to God’s?

You see I read these accounts of Jesus healing the sick and them becoming followers of Him, but I leave out a very important verse that follows many of them. Something to this effect. “Then after He had healed them, He told them to depart and tell no one.” That’s bad PR! That’s not how to get your ministry known. I have been seeking a gift to put my ministry on the map. I’ve been hero minded and not kingdom minded.

God spoke to me and showed me that He did that not for His own elevation, but out of genuine love for that one person, out of true compassion for that one person’s situation. Compassion and passion for the furtherance of God’s will cannot coexist with pride and a desire to see my own purposes fulfilled.

I wrote these next few words a few days apart in prayer.

3 Dec 2008

I need to know Gods voice more. I prayed for a man last night that was sick and had diabetes and he is still sick and still with diabetes. God...why? You said signs and wonders would follow. I have even had that specifically prophesied over my ministry, so when God. I hear you saying I am still lacking, but lacking what.

Then God spoke this to me a few days later.

8 Dec 2008

You will never heal the sick without compassion. And you will never have compassion while pride exists. Because pride won’t let faith in God flow because pride is a self righteous sin, about your capabilities and not God’s. And since you can’t heal the sick, when you operate without genuine compassion, they remain unhealed, but when you begin to move and pray with compassion, pride flees, and you operate with God’s faith.

I hope and pray that you will take hold of this word, and begin to seek God’s heart that you might have God’s heart. Begin to seek to have the compassion God has. Make this your prayer.

If you can love like God loves, you can heal like God heals!

“God, teach me to Love like you Love!”

05 December 2008


“Your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.” I often wonder how many promises of God are left unfulfilled because of the lack of human involvement. Gabriel, in the verse above, would not have been dispatched had Daniel not been bombarding heaven with prayer concerning Israel’s captivity. God doesn’t act independently of man. He has intentionally limited himself. Does that mean an omniscient God lacks the ability to personally step in and take over a situation. By all means no, but he rarely does without an intercessor asking. It is our job, as Christians to intercede and ‘loose’ God. “Our calling and function isn’t to replace God, but to release Him.” I believe one apostle said that if you are in right standing with God, your prayers can accomplish a lot.
Dutch Sheets tells a story about the importance of intercessors in spiritual warfare with regards to missions. In the 1970’s he and his team arrived in the capital city of Guatemala, and were to be flown out to do work among tribes up and down the river. The owner of the aircraft said that he wouldn’t take him that day, that he would have to wait until tomorrow. His team argued for three hours with the man to be taken at the time they had scheduled. They only had a certain amount of time to work before the return trip. Eventually, the airport conceded and flew them out as scheduled. That night an earthquake in the capital city killed 30,000 people, and the motel where the missionary team would have been sleeping was completely destroyed. When Dutch returned home he spoke to an intercessor in the church who said that she had prayed for them while they were gone, in fact she prayed exactly three hours one day before she felt a release. Can you guess what three hours that was?
Although speculative in nature, I believe that women’s intercession had a direct impact on the teams survival. No where in Daniel does it say that his prayers ended Babylonian captivity, it just says he was studying Jeremiah and saw that Israel was supposed to be in captivity for 70 years and prayed for it to end. But the question lies in this: if Israel’s captivity had already been prophesied at lasting 70 years, and that seventy years was up, why did Daniel see a need to pray for the inevitable? The answer is simple, our participation is met with God participation. We cannot expect God to move on our behalf, if we aren’t willing to move ourselves! Dick Eastman, of Every Home for Christ, says, “In no other way can the believer become as fully involved with God’s work, especially the work of world evangelism, as in intercessory prayer,” and I am more than inclined to agree.
Prayer is relying on God to do what he does best, the impossible. We are to pray at all times. This is the most effective way that I can provide for the Kingdom. I have a calling to intercessory prayer. I will bombard heaven with petitions as the persistent widow until God intervenes.
“And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.” Essentially God is saying that His justice demanded judgement, but at the same time His love wanted forgiveness. He is saying that, “if I could’ve found one human to ask me to spare these people, just one person, it would have allowed me to show my mercy.” But he found none, so His justice obligated him to judgement.45
I refuse to not stand in the gap. The world’s blood will not be on my hands. There is a gap that I stand in as an intercessor. I want to be the person God sees asking for mercy to spare the world. “You and I have the chance of a lifetime. We can rise to the occasion and embrace the incredible invitation to be co-laborers with God, to be carriers of His awesome Holy Spirit and ambassadors for His great Kingdom.”
Take missions for example. I like to think of my prayers for missionaries and the peoples they try to reach as a missiological chaos theory. Much the same way as the chaos theory hypothesizes that a butterfly’s fluttering wings can eventually produce a typhoon halfway around the world, I feel as though my intercession can cause a spiritual tidal wave for the causes of missionaries in ways I will never even know.